Workshop On Radiographic Imaging and Applications (WORIA)


February 7-9, 2023


Oak Ridge, TN

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The WORIA workshop is intended to engage both research and development performers (national laboratory, industry, academia, etc.), end users and mission stakeholder funding agencies to produce an “expert consensus view” regarding future research directions for a comprehensive radiography/penetrating imaging portfolio executed by the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D) Near Field Detection Portfolio.

In the context of this workshop, the term “penetrating imaging” describes active interrogation (either photon or neutron) used in U.S. Government (DOE, DOD, DHS, etc.) applications for items that include significant areal densities of high-atomic-number materials (such as nuclear material).  Items with significant areal densities may include shielding casks, nuclear fuel, or nuclear material parts and/or components; inspections may be required for purposes of product certification, quality assurance, nuclear material accounting, criticality safety, treaty verification, or emergency response.   

WORIA is intended to be a recurring meeting to ensure continued dialog between technology users, technology developers, and program managers. The inaugural WORIA will focus on radiographic imaging applications where a portable imaging system needs to be brought to an item of interest (rather than the item brought to an imaging facility).  These applications are of particular interest because 

WORIA is intended to provide a forum to liaise and share information between technology developers (in government and industry), end users, and mission stakeholders.  The goals of WORIA are to: