Guidelines for Poster Presenters
There is no official WORIA poster template; please use your institutional template for the poster. However, we will be fastening posters to 30” x 40” foam board, so that size would work best.
The primary purpose of the poster sessions is to provide a forum for participants to showcase technologies relevant to the workshop. This format is intended to enable in-depth conversations between participants that are not typically possible in a presentation format. Posters should identify relevant challenge questions and discuss the outlook of their subject technologies in this context.
Please send a PDF file of your poster by close of business 01/27/2023 to:
Monica Miller
Administrative Assistant
Physical Science Directorate, Physics
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008, MS 6010
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6010
(865) 341-0649
Guidelines for Vendor Exhibits
For questions, please contact
Andrew Nicholson