Speaker Bio

Marcel Demarteau
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Marcel Demarteau is a Senior Scientist in the Physical Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he serves as Division Director of the Physics Division. A particle physicist by training and a Fellow of the American Physical Society, he brings a keen sense of fundamental physics research to the Physics Division and is building a premier research program in the areas of quantum sensing, particle physics, fundamental symmetries, neutrino physics, nuclear structure and astrophysics. The Division deploys the world’s most advanced neutron and gamma-ray imaging technologies for security safeguards and bridges fundamental to applied research. The world-class user facilities at ORNL, such as the Leadership Computing Facility, the Center for Nanophase Materials Science and the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility are heavily leveraged for its research. He serves on multiple advisory committees through which the community takes stock of past progress and charts future research directions.